Saturday, December 19, 2009

Allergen-Free Shopping Trip

Today was my first wheat-soy-corn-nut-free shopping trip to Whole Foods. I made the mistake of picking a day that we're expecting a big snow storm to go to the grocery store, but I managed to make it in and out in one piece.

I picked up some Bob's Red Mill Gluten-Free All Purpose Flour, Spelt Flour, Pancake Mix and Xanthan Gum. (What would I do without Bob's Red Mill?) I also got some sample sized packets of Vega protein shake powder as well some hemp powder to help out with amino acid transport problem. The doctor said I should increase my oil intake and vary the oils I cook with, so I bought grape seed oil, avocado oil and peanut oil. Also on the shopping list were spelt bagels, red rice bread, rice macaroni and spelt noodles. Yesterday bought some vegan wheat free baked goodies at The Montclair Bread Company.

I was planning on weaning myself off of offending foods and I didn't want to throw anything away, but I just had too much of all of it in the house. After having tofu salad on a whole wheat wrap for lunch, I decided to clean out the cabinets. I'm sure I will be feeling the affects of that sandwich later and I'm anxious to start eating allergen-free. I threw away a few things and put aside some things to give to friends. I'm going to bake some cookies to give as gifts later so that I can get rid of some the wheat flour and nuts I still have. There are still a few things let in the house that I'm allergic to, but I'm getting closer to being allergen free.

Tonight's dinner will be a red curry, and it will probably be the last for a while since coconut milk is on my list of no-nos. I'm also planning on making spelt chocolate chip scones later.

If you're on the east coast, stay inside where it's cozy and warm!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea for a blog! I, for one, am eager to follow your progress in detail. Spelt bagels and rice pasta are delicious enough, so hopefully the transition won't be too painful.
