Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, everyone! I started 2011 out with a broccoli frittata and rosemary chive biscuits, both from Vegan Celebrations. The recipes were in the Mother's Day section, but They seemed like good New Year's food to me.

Instead of making a resolution, I've set a few goals for myself this year. My website, hasn't been updated in quite a while, so I'm going to completely revamp it, and move this blog over there. I will also be combining VeggieGirl with my health counseling website. Being an organized person, I'm looking forward to having all of my websites in one place.

I'm also planning on hitting the books more this year. My cookbooks that is! I have about 65 cookbooks, and I don't use all of them. When a new book comes out, I HAVE to have it. So I get it, flip through it and put it on the bookcase with the rest of my collection. So what I'd like to do this year is pick a book each week and make three things from it. I think three is a good number because that still allows me days to make recipes I've seen in magazines as well as a day or two to eat out.

Here's to a happy and healthy 2011!

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