Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Cauliflower Gratin

A few months back Vegetarian Times had an article about cauliflower that was accompanied by lots of yummy look recipes. Unfortunately, the magazine arrived at my house around about the same time that the large insect living in my cauliflower showed up, so I didn't try any of the recipes. Now that I'm almost over my fear of cauliflower, I decided to revisit the issue and see what I could make. This Cauliflower Gratin dish looked really good, so I wanted to give it a try. It was super simple to make, and it was a nice light dish that wasn't too filling.

I bought pre-cut cauliflower and steamed it for a few minutes until it was tender. While it was steaming, I sautéed onion and then added canned chopped tomatoes and some capers. It's then layered together with feta (I used vegan Sunergia Soyfoods feta) in a casserole dish and placed under the broiler for a few minutes. While it was broiling I sautéed up some purple kale with a little garlic. Voila - dinner in less than half an hour!

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  1. This looks fantastic. INsect inside your cauliflower? Shudder.

  2. Yes - it was horrible!! You can read about it here: http://veggiegirlhealthcounseling.blogspot.com/2010/07/squash-and-polenta.html
