Monday, February 15, 2010

Bok Choy with Chickpeas and Cashews

This is another recipe from Terry Walters' Clean Food, and it was super simple to make. The dish is made with garlic, olive oil, ginger, chopped bok choy, chickpeas and cashews. I added chopped red bell pepper for some extra color and I topped the dish off with seaweed gomasio, which contains sea salt, seaweed and seasame seeds. I served the veggies over brown rice medley. When I cooked the rice, I added a piece of kombo seaweed to the water. Sea vegetables, or seaweed, contain more minerals than any other food source. They contain ten times more calcium than milk and eight times more iron than beef. Sea veggies also contain protein, vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K and fiber. Adding kombu to cooking water adds extra flavor and nutrients to the rice. Simply add a small piece while the rice is cooking and remove it when serving!

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